Wippro interior doors | Maranit milling F-Dekor white

Robust surfaces


Robust and strong foils that have been tested for years for high quality and durable products. These surfaces require little maintenance and can be selected in F-Decor white or a large selection of authentic wood reproductions with a smooth or structured feel - produced in the Wippro headquarter in Vorderweißenbach.

Depending on the door model numerous possibilities can be realized.



Durable robust foils (veneer longitudinally)

Wenge FD3
Wenge FD3 Whish List
White FD5
White FD5 Whish List
Leather light FD10
Leather light FD10 Whish List
Leather dark FD11
Leather dark FD11 Whish List
Mother of pearl FD13
Mother of pearl FD13 Whish List
Oak whitewashed FD 14
Oak whitewashed FD 14 Whish List
Oak vital FD15
Oak vital FD15 Whish List
Antique oak brushed FD16
Antique oak brushed FD16 Whish List
Maple FD 17
Maple FD 17 Whish List
Knotty oak brushed FD18
Knotty oak brushed FD18 Whish List
Cracked oak brown FD26
Cracked oak brown FD26 Whish List
Cracked oak grey FD27
Cracked oak grey FD27 Whish List
Spruce brushed FD29
Spruce brushed FD29 Whish List