Wippro has been producing in Austria since 1955
1955 - Foundation of Wippro by Wilhelm Wipplinger

1955 - Start of building the headquarter in Vorderweißenbach

1960 - Wippro headquarter in Vorderweißenbach

1976 - Company takeover by Robert Wipplinger sen.

1977 - Renovations at the headquarter in Vorderweißenbach

1988 - Mobile dividing walls cooperation with PARTHOS inraum systeme

1993 - Opening of the Wippro showroom in Vienna

1995 - 1996 - Expansion of the factory hall in Vorderweißenbach

1996 - Expansion of the showroom at the Wippro headquarter in Vorderweißenbach

1997 - Opening of the Wippro showroom in Kirchheim near Munich

2014 - Renovation of the Wippro showroom in Munich

2014 - Renovation of the Wippro showroom in Vienna

2015 - Factory of doors and ladders in Vorderweißenbach

2016 - Opening of the Wippro showroom in Vomp

2016 - Company takeover by the third generation: Alexander, Nadja, Robert Wipplinger

2016 - Robert Wipplinger becomes CEO of the company

2018 - A new lounge for the Wippro staff